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E-Teaching Exchange

E-Teaching Exchange community is a social community in education that supports teachers, students, and professionals to have international networking by having a weekly online meeting.

Our Goals

Education in the post-pandemic encourages educators to improve their skills in communication. This social platform provides weekly online meetings to improve English by having discussions or debates. Additionally, teachers can find their pairs to collaborate on a cultural exchange online class.


Tia Apriati Wahyuni graduated from the Indonesia University of Education in 2017. She took an Elementary Teacher Education major as her interest and estabilished E-Teaching Exchange Community on 16th September 2021. The pandemic has encouraged her to make international opportunities for teachers, students, and other professionals to develop themselves by creating a small step in an online meeting. She is now a primary school teacher at SD Laboratorium Percontohan UPI, Bumi Siliwangi, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.

Instagram account: Apriati_19

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Our Team

Join with us!

Teachers & Other profesional

Students ( 15-20 years Old)