9 Ways to say “Good Morning”

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At the first meeting in May, we were discussing children and rewards, and it ended up by learning “How to say Good Morning” in other languages. Here are the 9 words we practiced together. 

Indonesian: Selamat pagi (Native speaker: Cipto)
Romanian: Bună dimineața (Native speaker: Camelia)
Spanish: Buenos días (Native speaker: Marvin)
Persian: Sobhe Bakhair (Native speaker: Noor)
Turkish: Gunaydin
French: Bonjour
Arabic: Sabah alkhair
Deutsch: Guten morgen
Uzbek: Khairli Tong

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9 Ways to say “Good Morning”

At the first meeting in May, we were discussing children and rewards, and it ended up by learning “How to say Good Morning” in other


Mr. M. S. Kamat

Country      : India 🇮🇳 Occupation : School Principal School         : Shri. A. B. Patil Public school Teaching Experience : 23 years  

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